UA-59651954-28 Crafty Allie: 12 Days of Christmas Day 2:Holiday kid activity making personal size pizzas

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12 Days of Christmas Day 2:Holiday kid activity making personal size pizzas

Welcome to day 2 of the 12 Days of Christmas!

My Adorable daughter and I set out to make some personal size pizzas. These would be great for a holiday party. I have even thought I would get it all ready and let the kids of our family make their own pizzas.

My daughter is not one for cooking. I have to beg her to do it with me, but every time she does she has a blast!

So what you will need:

French Bread 
(I got one regular and one garlic Parmesan)
One large can of Tomato sauce
One package of Pepperoni
Garlic salt
Italian Seasoning
One package of mozzarella cheese

The Chef is ready!

Pour the sauce into a bowl.

Add about 3 tbsp garlic salt
and 1 tbsp Italian seasoning.

 Stir well!

"Ehh, don't you DARE!!!"

 First lets put that hair behind your ear. Then you add your tomato sauce, cheese and pepparoni to each slice of bread.

I'll jump in and make mine and daddy's!

 Hey Bubba, wanna make your own pizza?

I got two bags of cheese and two loaves of bread and it made a ton! Great for plenty of food at a party!

Cook them at 300 degrees and take them out when the cheese is melted.


No Complaints all! They ate them all up!

Save your bread bags.

 And put your leftovers in the bags. Waste not want not!

Thank you so much for tuning in! I hope to see everyone EVERYDAY for the next 10 days!

Until tomorrow...



  1. Great recipe for kids! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. Hi Allie,
    Your little ones are just adorable and the personal pizzas look great! Hope you are staying warm and cozy in this cold weather and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  3. Yummy. What a great way to have fun with the kids! ~Tammy


You = awesome. Me = grateful.
You can’t see me but I’m totally doing a happy dance, thanks for taking the time to comment!

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