I am sure most of you remember my knitted headband, right?
Well, I'm back but with a crochet
pattern instead, yay!
I think I actually like the crochet better,
however it does take a little longer.
But that's mainly because I'm a slow crocheter.
So lets begin!
You will need a Size H Hook...
First chain 64 links.
Then with your chains facing the same direction join to form a circle.
Slip stitch to join the circle.
Chain two and crochet a half double crochet into each chain.
Continue on and slip stitch at
the end of each round.
Crochet a total of 10 rows.
After 10 rows, chain 1 and slip stitch
into each chain for a finished look.
Now for the flower..
I love making crochet flowers, eek!
Ok, so start off with a magic ring
using your H hook.
Crochet 8 half double crochets into the ring.
Then pull your starting string.
Then slip stitch into the first half double crochet.
Chain 1 and crochet a single crochet
into the next chain.
In the same chain crochet two half double crochets and then one more single crochet.
Skip one chain, and then repeat: one single,
two half doubles and then a single.
Continue skipping one chain and repeat the pedal pattern. You will want only 5 pedals.
Slip stitch to join the flower into the 1st chain.
Chain 1, and flip over to the back side. Find the post from the first 8
half double crochets that you did into the magic ring. Crochet a single crochet going behind each post. Chain two and repeat on each of the 8 posts.
Slip Stitch to the first chain 1 to join.
Flip it back over and chain 1, and crochet 1 single into the first opening
(the chain two in between each post).
In the same opening, crochet three double crochets and another single.
Repeat 7 more times on each opening:
One single, three half doubles and another single.
Slip stitch into the 1st chain to join.
Chain 2 and flip it back over to the back side.
Crochet a half double crochet
into the previous 8 posts.
Like you did in the first time,
but this time you will
use the new 8 posts.
Chain 2 and repeat half double, then 2 chains for the next 7 posts.
Slip stitch into the 2nd chain, to join.
Chain 1 flip it back over to the front,
and crochet a single, 4 half doubles and another single into each 8 of the posts.
And slip stitch into the 1st chain to join.
Chain 3, flip it back over to the back side and this time you will crochet a double crochet into each 8 of the new posts, and chain 2 in between each post.
Slip stitch into the 3rd chain to join.
Chain 1, and flip it back over.
Now the pattern will be, a single, 5 half double crochets and another single.
Repeat pattern into all 8 openings, and slip stitch into 1st chain.
Cut a long (about 2 feet) and pull
your yarn through to knot it.
Now that your flower is done, you can attach it to your headband either by a clip or by sewing it on.
There are two ways to sew it on:
1) By using a yarn needle
2) Or use the crochet hook to weave it in out and out all the way around.
Note: I picked up the 3rd layer when sewing it, every other pedal to minimize movement.
Thanks so much for tuning in!
Until Next Time...