I am excited to announce that I was asked to guest blog over at
I shared ways to craft with scrapbook paper. I hope you'll go and check out the post here.Saturday, August 31, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Simple, Quick and Easy Homemade Chicken Pot Pie Recipe
Doesn't it look mouth watering?
This is what was for dinner tonight!
It's so simple, and the whole family loves it.
I make it when I have left over chicken; so it taste even better because the spices have been sitting in the chicken, yum!
So lets get to how to make it.
Please note that the amount of ingredients are enough to make 2 pies.
What you will need:
2 packages of frozen DEEP pie shells (each pkg comes with 2 shells)
2 1/2 COOKED diced chicken breasts.
1 large and 1 small can of cream of chicken
2 cans of mixed vegetables
2 tbs of garlic
1 tbs dill weed
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Mix all of the ingredients into a large bowl in stir it all, place ingredients into the pie shells. Again this will make 2 pies.
Put on the top of the pie shells and press the dough down into the rim of the pie so it cooks together.
Then cut an x into the center of the pie.
Place pie on a cookie sheet. Trust me if you've ever taken a hot pie out of the oven only to spill the while thing onto the oven door, then you have learned your lesson to always put pies on a cookie sheet.
Let that cook for about 1 hour, or until the crust is a golden brown.
Then remove from the oven and place it on a cooling rack.
And whaa-la there you have it. Let this baby cool for at least 15 minutes before cutting.
Now, as you can see it's easy and very simple and also very inexpensive to make. The best part is you can now put the other pie in the freezer and have a whole other pie to just pop into the oven!
My husband and kids love it when I make this dish, and let me tell you I have some picky eaters! I love too that I don't have to serve anything else with it. It has the veggies and all in the pie already!
Hope this was helpful.
Let me know how yours turns out.
Thanks for tuning in!
Until Next Time...
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Monday, August 26, 2013
First Day of School Pictures with Chalkboard
Ahh, its that time of year again, THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!
A bunch of mixed emotions! Excitement for their new journey into another grade, and sadness because they are older!
Happy dance because I get some free mommy time, but disappointment that I have to get back to waking up early, making lunches, consistent laundry schedule, regular bath time (often twice a day), oh ya and the dreaded HOMEWORK!
Where's my Margarita?
I swear you guys, I'm not an alcoholic. In fact, I drink probably one drink a month. Ok, unless my sissy is hanging out with me, lol.
This year I wanted to change up our first day of school pics by adding the chalkboard. This will be our NEW tradition! I wrote the year first and took pictures of them outside of our house and then took some at the school with their grade.
"Ahh Mom stopping taking pics already!" He said
Me: Sniff, Sniff "But this is the last year I get to go into your classroom!"
BFF's! These girlies have been friends since kindergarten, and through their
friendship their mamas have become Great Friends too!
To see how I made the chalkboard, click here.
Thanks for tuning in, until next time...
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Lace Cuff Capri Pants
I love Sister time! I love that my sister still wants to do sleepovers. She is usually the one to come over and spend the night with me since I have kids, but I hang with her at her house whenever the ole' ball and chain is willing to watch the kids and let us women have Girl Time. Hey, us women are allowed to say Ole' Ball and Chain too right? Back me up ladies!
These were some jeans that had been cut off into Capri's. I offered to hem them for my sister but she saw some Capri's with lace and had to have them.
Similar Capri's have sold for $50 at Macy's, and while ours might not be as cute, they come pretty darn close!
You will need:
A pair of Capri's
Sewing Machine (optional, can be sewn by hand)
Step 1: If your pants are cut offs then fold them and fold again to the desired cuff length. I actually folded it up and sewed it and then folded it up again, it's just an easier way for me to sew it, however I ended up with two hem lines, but you can't see it under the lace, so whatever you prefer.
Step 2: Pin your Lace onto your Capri's. We used this lovely slightly off white/cream vintage look lace. We got it at Walmart for only $3.97 and it's 3 yards.
Step 4: Sew it by hand or use a sewing machine. Sew as close to the end of the cuff/lace as possible.
Step 5: To make sure the lace stayed in place I then sewed the sides together where the lace should meet, and cut off the excess lace. I then sewed the other side to anchor it down further.
Step 6: With a lighter, I very carefully heated the edges of the lace to keep it from fraying during the wash.
Whaa-la you have your lace cuff Capri's.
I even used a white thread, as I didn't have off white/cream colored thread, but honestly you can hardly even see the where its sewed onto the cuff.
I think they turned out great! She certainly loves them! I think its a great salvage to a pair frayed cut off Calvin Klein. Calvin don't have nuttin on our design, lol.
We had plenty left over to do a belt maybe? Maybe I could make a flower too to attach to the belt or around the pocket area and add some of the lace into the flower? Yes, I think it would look even cuter with some more accessories.
Hope I explained it well enough. Thanks for Tuning in Guys!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Celebrate Good times, Come On! Come on Ya'll, sing it with me!
First off, I want to thank everyone who followed me, even if I did come knocking on your door begging you to come follow me, lol.
Lol, lol, Ahhh sadly I did do it. But that's ok, I take no shame in it!
Here we are though! 100 followers, well as of now 108!
As a THANK YOU, I want to do a give away!
What will you win?
The winner of the giveaway will get to choose one of my knitted animal hats.
You choose the size:
Newborn to Adult
Forgive the pictures, please.
As you can see... my son was the inspiration for my monkey hats!
1.You must Follow me (if your not already following me).
2. You must grab my button below:
3. You must tweet, post on Facebook or post on your blog about my giveaway.
4. Leave a comment, as well as the links to the twitter url, fb post or your blog post.If you do all three, you'll be entered a total of three times.
5. Get ready to win! The winner will be announced Friday.
US shipping only! Sorry, I cannot afford international shipping.
US shipping only! Sorry, I cannot afford international shipping.
As for the hats, I'll teach you guys how to make those in the Fall :)
Again thank you guys so much, and I look forward to getting to know each and everyone one of you as my blog continues to grow. Lets keep crafting together!
Thanks for tuning in!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
100 Follower Giveaway?

As you can see I am so close to 100 Followers, I can almost taste it.
As a Thank You to all of you who have recently followed me, I'd like to do a giveaway. So if you know of anyone who might like my blog, send them on over, so we can get this Giveaway party Starr-ttteddd!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Fabric Flowers and Baby Headbands
I shall keep my promise, to blog this weekend, even if its a 2 am in the morning! That's ok, I slept in late this morning, (Saturday) so thankfully I am fully rested.
I got to work on these Friday night. I know sad huh? I mean no Friday night plans? I did get to go thrift shopping on Friday during the day with my friend Terri. I got a few good deals.
Anyway, I need to get busy on more to add to my Etsy shop. I am always looking for new crafts to sell on there. I finished with a few, and wanted to show them off to you, and teach you how to make them.
I went through all of my fabric and put all the potential flower making fabric into a big bin. I couldn't believe how much I came up with. I really am a fabric hoarder. It's hard for me to throw out fabric. I mean a 1/4 a yard or less can make a few flowers. I still have 3 big drawers full of fabric for future projects.
There are 4 different styles of flowers shown. And yes... I will show you how to do all 4. I know how to make more styles, but we'll do that on another post.
First flower/headband:
Step 1: Cut a tiny slit in the fabric and then rip it all the way down. My strip was 36 inches long.
Step 2: With a needle and thread sew it very loosely all the way down the strip.
Step 3: Leave the needle in the fabric, don't cut it, then gather it.It will not be this gathered, this is just for the picture. You'll have to play with it while making the flower.
Step 4: Start rolling it with the stitching at the bottom.
Step 5 Keep doing it until you achieve a flower rose like this.
Step 6: Sew the layers at the bottom together
I added another smaller flower and a white flower to the headband and then cut 2 pieces of felt like this into ovals. This is actually an unused flannel blanket that my step mom gave me for scrap fabric. Gotta love her for saving stuff after her projects so I can hoard it, lol.
Step 7: Attach the flower (s) to the felt circle (oval) and then trim the excess felt.
Now for the elastic headband part. I buy Fold Over Elastic 10 yd 5/8 inch FOE - Shiny that is for baby headbands. I measure it 16 inches (8 folded in half)
Step 8: I hot glue the ends together then attach it to the felt and sew it on there, this reinforces the headband too.
Step 9: Attach it with hot glue to the headband, then trim away the excess, felt.
And whaa-la, now I have a shabby chic baby headband!
Now onto the next flower:
Step 1: Cut 4 4 in diameter circles
Step 2: Cut 4 3 1/4 inch circles
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 in a lighter shade fabric.
Step 4 fold the circle in half and then again in another half.
Step 6 Hand sew or hot glue the 4 inch circles (darker shade) to your felt circle.
Step 7: Do the lighter shade on top, going in between the cracks of the bottom layer.
Step 8: Repeat with the darker 3 1/4 inch circles.
Step 10: add one more light color 3 1/4 circle and sew it to the center.
Step 11: Fluff the layers up and add a embellishment to the top, and attach it to a headband if desired.
This flower has the least amount of steps and I would say its the easiest. It certainly can be depending on what kind of fabric your using. I used an old cotton stretch ribbed sweater. Another Scrap from my step mom! This is to show you how many different kinds of fabric/scraps you can use!
Step 1: Twist it, you won't be able to twist the whole thing. Funny technique I use is to get on the floor twist is as much as I can and put the end in between my toes. Oh ya, if this is for someone else, make sure your feet are clean, lol.
Step 2: begin rolling it into a spiral kinda thang!
Just keep rolling, and hot glue about every 3 rolls around the circle. Watch those toes, trust me, enough said!
Step 3 Attach an embellishment if you desire and then attach it to a headband or clip.
This is one of my favorite flowers, its just so shabby chic, and can look very vintage if you use off white colors.
Step 1:Cut a strip about 1 1/2 half wide
Step 2: Fold it in half and hot glue it.
Step 3 Cut slits, I like to make some long and some short, some skinny and some fat.
Step 4 Starting from the outside of your felt circle, begin gluing it down.
Step 5 Keep gluing it in circles till you reach the center, trim off any excess fabric.
Step 6 Fluff the heck out of it to achieve the stringy look.
And whaa-laa another flower for your DIY collection!
Now I just needs some baby subjects. Guess I'll send them to my friend at Lilac Blossom Photography.
Thanks for tuning in!
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