UA-59651954-28 Crafty Allie: Worthwhile Wednesdays #93

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Worthwhile Wednesdays #93

Welcome, Welcome all to the 93rd
Worthwhile Wednesdays Link Party!

Thank you so much for partying with me!

Today I have guest co-host


Be sure to check out her awesome blog: 

Lindsay's favorite post for last weeks party 

are these Stenciled Sentiment Pillows


I made Chicken Teriyaki this week! 

Check out how I made it!


Have you signed up to guest post on the 

12 Days of Christmas?

Hop on over to the post and sign up to participate
in posting a Christmas Craft or Recipe.


Thank You to everyone who was able to link 
up last Wednesday! 
I have picked out  of my favorite ones, but they were all so awesome!

Four Corners Feathers Table Runner
by Flamingo Toes

DIY Repurposed Wall Organizer


If you've been featured, please grab your
 button and place it at the end of your featured post.


Now onto the party!

You can pretty much link up anything, except for nudity or vulgar content.

Link up crafts, recipes, blog articles, DIY Decor,Blog hops, shops, and more. 

By adding your link, you give permission to pin your post on Pinterest. In addition,  you also give permission to email you a weekly reminder when the party is Live.

Please grab a button and add it to 
your linked post or side bar.


Please show some love to the other bloggers
 by visiting some of the other links at this party!

Thank you again. I look forward to 
seeing what everyone links up!


  1. Thanks for the awesome party!

  2. Thanks for another great party! Off to see what others have shared.

  3. Thanks for hosting another fun party! Great features! Love the pocket organizer. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I know, Its so cute yet so simple! That Robin has the best upcycle projects.

  4. Thank you for hosting this fun party! I am LOVIN' the re-purposed denim organizer, it would be perfect for my craft room! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    I hope you have time to hop on board The Great Blog Train today at my place! ;-)

  5. Thanks for hosting! Your chicken teriyaki looks yummy. :) I'm also liking the jalapeno hummus, and the denim organizer's a great way to re-purpose jeans!

    1. Awe, thanks CJ! And yes some great projects last week!

  6. Thanks so very much for featuring my Stenciled Sentiment Pillow! I really appreciate it!
    Have a wonderful day!

    1. You are so welcome Karen, it was Lindsay's favorite, but I loved it and too and was going to feature it too, lol.

  7. Hello beautiful! I love your amazing party! Please take a moment to visit our party that goes until Friday at 7 pm. We pin and tweet everything! Lou Lou Girls

  8. Hello beautiful! I love your amazing party! Please take a moment to visit our party that goes until Friday at 7 pm. We pin and tweet everything! Lou Lou Girls

  9. Hello beautiful! I love your amazing party! Please take a moment to visit our party that goes until Friday at 7 pm. We pin and tweet everything! Lou Lou Girls

    1. I did indeed link up! Thanks for always partying with me Lou Lou Girls!

  10. Wow!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful feature!!!! You made my week! Thank you for hosting so much fun each week~

  11. Hi there! I just discovered this party. So happy to join in the fun. New follower! Have a wonderful weekend! Diane

    1. Hey there, so glad to have you Diane, I'm off to check out your blog!


You = awesome. Me = grateful.
You can’t see me but I’m totally doing a happy dance, thanks for taking the time to comment!

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