UA-59651954-28 Crafty Allie: Yogurt Pudding

Monday, March 10, 2014

Yogurt Pudding

Hello Everyone! Happy Funday (Monday)! Ok, well its a fun day for me, because its the first day of Spring Break, and even though I do have to work a few days this week. I will be enjoying a few days off with my little twerps, I mean kids!

Today I am happy to welcome Mandy from 

Hello everyone, this is Mandy from The Household Hero! I am happy to be here at Allie's today! I love revamping recipes to make them healthier for my family, so today I am sharing with you a quick, simple recipe that not only do I love, but so does my toddler! If you like, please swing by my blog to check out other family friendly activities and recipes!

Oh pudding, how I love thee. But unfortunately I have forsaken foods that provide little nutrition while filling me up with junk. So pudding is usually not on the menu in our house. However, in attempt to somewhat experience the yumminess of a creamy, cold bowl of pudding provides I trick my brain with this: Chocolate Yogurt Pudding. 

 Luckily my son (he's 2) is currently unaware that there is anything but this type of pudding. In his mind he is probably thinking that pudding is good for him because the pudding he eats is. Despite the fact that most puddings you buy in the store are low in calorie, they are typically full of refined sugar and have little to no protein. So if you are in the mood for dessert or a sweet snack but do not want to eat junk then whip up this quick healthy treat!

low carb Yogurt Pudding  recipe guilt free pudding recipe low carb Yogurt Pudding  recipe

What I used:
  • Vanilla yogurt (it can be Greek or low fat...your choice)
  • Cocoa
  • Peanut butter
  • Agave or honey
What I did:
  1. Mixed all the ingredients together and
  2. Put in refrigerator to let it get real cold
  3. Enjoyed without any quilt!
The best thing about this recipe is that it is quick and I usually always have all of the ingredients in the pantry and refrigerator. 

Do you have a sweet treat that you like that is also good for you? 

Mandy is the author of the blog "The Household Hero" ( She covers topics that are common in the life of a mother as she struggles to be the hero of her household by saving time, money and health through recipes, coupon tips and product reviews while mixing in personal stories about her family of four living in Central Florida!

Thank You so much Mandy for coming onto Crafty Allie today, and for sharing this yummy recipe. I'll for sure be trying it!

Would you like to Guest Blog? If so, you can find contact information me here.

Thanks Again Mandy,and 
Thank You guys for tuning in! Until next time...


  1. This sounds so yummy, and I actually have all these ingredients - winning!

    Will definitely try it out - woo healthy pudding ^_^

  2. Looks delicious!

  3. I can't wait to make this, when I do I'll link it back to you. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a good idea. I love yogurt so this is right up my alley, as they say.

  5. What a great idea, I love yogurt, and turning into a chocolaty pudding sounds yummy! I would love to invite you to share your recipe at my linky party, Meal Planning Monday Recipe Link-Up. Happy St. Patrick's Day! :)

    1. Thanks April, just linked up at your party!

  6. Wow, Allie that pudding sounds delicious. Will have to try it for sure. Cause greek yogurt is a great way to get
    protein in your diet too.
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. Looks really good, going to give this a try! Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday...

  8. Oh this sounds yummy-healthy :) I will give this a try, bet my son will love it! Thanks for linking to Snickerdoodle Sunday

  9. peanutbutter and chocolate in the same recipe? Sign me up!!!
    “hugs” Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique
    Happy Spring!!

  10. Yum! This looks really good! Thanks for sharing on Tips & Tricks last week!

  11. Thanks for sharing on Mostly Homemade Mondays. Looks delicious, and so simple!

  12. Thank you for sharing your recipe at Meal Planning Monday Recipe Link-Up last week. I hope you join us again this week. :)

  13. Hi Alli! THANK YOU for sharing with us on the Mostly Homemade Mondays link up! I hope you join us again this week. Enjoy your weekend :)

    Kelli @ The Sustainable Couple


You = awesome. Me = grateful.
You can’t see me but I’m totally doing a happy dance, thanks for taking the time to comment!

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