UA-59651954-28 Crafty Allie: DIY Eco-Friendly Hand Sanitizer

Monday, January 18, 2016

DIY Eco-Friendly Hand Sanitizer

Hello, all and happy Monday!

I have a guest blogger today. Please meet Kathleen Crane.

She's here to tell us how to make your own DIY Eco-friendly hand sanitzer.

Take it away Kathleen!

Hand sanitizers can be a great way to protect

 yourself in the approaching flu season. For

 those that are extra careful with what you 

put on your body, or your kids' bodies, then

 you probably know that commercial hand 

sanitizers are full of chemicals that can cause

 allergic reactions, eczema and often, they dry

 your hands which is very unpleasant as well. 

But if you are an advocate of hand sanitizers

 and you want to use them regularly to protect

 yourself and your family, you might try 

making it yourself.  Knowing the exact 

ingredients, will you give you a 

sense of calmness, because it is much safer

 than the chemically induced ones, and 

as well these homemade hand sanitzer smell 

so much better than the store bought kind.

You'll find this recipe to be to

 be quite simple.  Most recipes are for more

than just small bottle of hand sanitzer. You 

can make a larger bottle and then refill 

your smaller ones, which will save you a 

lot of money, rather than having to buy 

hand santizers on a weekly or monthly basis.

You will need Aloe Vera gel or a concentrate 

(keep in mind they will 

be proportioned differently).

You will also need

 Vitamin E, tea tree oil or 

2-3 more essential oils of your choice

 (depending on the properties each has, or   

simply choose them  based on which 

ones smell the best to you). And you will also 

need olive oil and water.

For my hand sanitzers I followed the below 


1/4 cup (2 oz) olive oil

1/2 cup (4 oz ) Aloe-Vera concentrate

¼ teaspoon Vitamin E oil

15 drops Tea Tree Oil

20 drops Orange/Lavender
 ( or any scent of essential of your choice) 

1 cup (8 oz) water

Tea tree oil is an all-natural product that has

 antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and

 is a great disinfectant. 

Vitamin E will soften your hands, plus it will 

preserve the hand sanitizer longer.

This recipe is for a 16 oz bottle, but If you 

have a glass bottle I would suggest you 

store it in  there. 

When you finish making the sanitizer, simply 

fill your smaller bottles and keep them in 

places where you need them the most.

You can use these for work, keep them 

in your purse, car, kids bedroom, better yet, 

just put one everywhere. You should have 

enough to place them any where you desire!

If you want to make smaller portions with a 

variety of scents the recipe below would be a 

better choice to follow.

1 tbs aloe vera gel

1 tsp Vitamin E oil

20 drops essential oils tea tree

10 drops lavender

 (or  your favorite essential oil scent)


a little less than 1 cup of cool, filtered water

Some people add high-proof alcohol in their

 hand sanitizers. Personally I see no need for 

it, but you can try adding it, if you wish.

And there you have it, DIY Eco-friendly hand 


Take care of yourself and your family in the 

best way possible, by using all natural 

ingredients that you can use every day. 

If your hands could speak, they would thank 


This article was contributed by 

Kathleen Crane. 

She runs a small company 

You can get in touch with her via G+.

Thank you so much Kathleen for sharing this awesome recipe!

I am so excited to try it!

And thank you all for tuning in today!

Until Next time...


  1. thank you for posting with this. i am sure this is going to help me out with protecting myself from the germs of the season. keep posting

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You can’t see me but I’m totally doing a happy dance, thanks for taking the time to comment!

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